
Custom Painting

Commercial, Residential and Custom Painting

From start to finish our goal is your complete satisfaction.

At Great Wall Painting, our painters provide excellent service, including custom painting projects. If you have specific needs, whether residential or commercial we’re here for you. Our experienced team is happy to operate within our standard protocols or to adjust the project to meet your specific needs, whether materials, colors or level of detail.

We’re commercial and residential painters that you can truly trust. Our licensed, bonded and insured painters work with you from start to finish to make sure your painting project meets and exceeds your expectations.

We do house painting, interior painting, exterior painting, fence painting, deck painting, and paint repair for residential and commercial painting across the Bay Area.

We specialize in interior and exterior repaints for both residential and commercial properties. We have repainted thousands of homes and businesses in the Bay Area of California. Experienced professionals with decades in the painting business. Our reviews reflect our commitment to delivering the best repainting experience in this area.

Great Walls Painting Inc.

The right team for your painting project.

The main advantage of getting professionals on board when you’re investing in a residential or commercial painting project is that professionals efficient and timely about their commitment to your project.